Salud Pública de México (Jan 2006)
Pobreza, jóvenes y consumo de tabaco en México Poverty, youth and consumption of tobacco in Mexico
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar el consumo de tabaco de acuerdo con el nivel de pobreza en una muestra probabilística nacional de jóvenes de 10 a 21 años de edad que viven en zonas suburbanas de México. El estudio forma parte de la evaluación del programa gubernamental Oportunidades (2001). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se entrevistaron a 29 548 jóvenes residentes en 30 000 hogares. Se calcularon la prevalencia de fumar y los factores relacionados que diferencian al fumador habitual del experimentador. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de fumadores y experimentadores fue de 3.5% (IC95% 3.3-3.7) y 9.9% (IC95% 9.6-10.2), respectivamente. El nexo entre los diferentes factores que se vinculan con las condiciones de fumador y experimentador se evaluó a través de modelos de regresión logística para datos agrupados. Después de ajustar por nivel de pobreza del hogar y consumo de alcohol y drogas, se detectó una relación significativa (RM = 1.5, p OBJECTIVE: To characterize tobacco use according to level of poverty in a random, nationally representative sample of adolescents (10 to 21 years old), living in urban areas with less than 50 000 inhabitants. The study was done in 2001 as part of the baseline assessment of the evaluation of the governmental program, Oportunidades. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A questionnaire was applied to 29 548 adolescents living in 30 000 selected households and it included specific questions on individual tobacco use among other questions. RESULTS: The prevalence of smokers was 3.5% (95% CI: 3.3%-3.7%) and experimenters 9.9% (95% CI: 9.6%-10.2%). A logistic regression model for clustered data was constructed in order to evaluate the associated factors that distinguish a smoker from an experimenter. After adjusting for level of poverty of the household and use of alcohol and drugs, a significant association (OR = 1.5, p <0.01) was found with having a paid job and a differential association was found between gender and age group. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that the additional availability of money that an adolescent has, could increase the prevalence of tobacco smoking and that the program Oportunidades should include prevention campaigns directed specifically at this population group.