Vìsnik Unìversitetu ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ: Serìâ Pedagogìka ì Psihologiâ (Dec 2020)
In the proposed study, the authors aimed at developping a series of exercises in the format of pair work at the German language lesson. Before presenting methodological outcomes, the researchers stud- German language lesson. Before presenting methodological outcomes, the researchers stud- German language language lesson. lesson. Before presenting methodological outcomes, the researchers stud- lesson. Before presenting methodological Before presenting methodological outcomes, the researchers stud- outcomes outcomes, the researchers , the researchers stud- , the researchers studied the works of domestic authors who dedicated their work to this issue. During the bibliographic analysis it was found that the chosen theme was thoroughly studied which served a solid base for further study. During the presentation of the main material, the authors offer exercises for both primary and advanced stages of learning a foreign language. At the initial stage of learning a foreign language, it is very important to encourage students to perform dialogic speech, which is the most common form of language communication. At this stage, the researchers have developed exercises on such lexical topics as ”Family“, ”Food and Drink“, ”Apartment”. Among the grammatical issuess, the authors suggested considering such ones as “perfect”, “prepositions” and others. The authors of the article also noted that getting used to a partner is a negative point in pair work. Interesting methods of changing a partner with the help of colored stripes, geometric shapes and more have been proposed. The researchers concluded that during pair work, each student has the opportunity to speak in comfortable conditions. It is reminiscent of extracurricular communication, which is more common for young people. In pair work, the student works independently of the teacher, demonstrating their skills of foreign language communication. During pair work, most students realize that they can complete the task almost without the help of a teacher. Most pair work tasks are more interesting than regular tasks. Pair work is considered a dynamic and positive activity during which it is impossible to ignore the task