Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures (Nov 2015)
La pensée enseignante dans une expérience de tutorat en ligne
This article analyses the way in which online tutors, who are still student teachers, construct their practices in the context of a telecollaboration project with French language learners. I focus here on the tutors’ points of view. Online tutoring being a totally new experience for them, how do they build a tutoring repertoire? How do they perceive their own action? What resources do they use? Are their approaches changing throughout the project? Can tutors use former routines? Do they develop new ones? How can new practices emerge? To answer these questions, I analyse reflective texts (logbooks) written by two tutors working together and having limited teaching experience. These issues are explored from the perspective of teacher cognition. I present the context and the nature of the exchanges (asynchronous written online interaction) before analysing three phenomena: the construction of joint action within each group made up of one learner and two tutors, the recognition of analogies with other experiences, the development of routines from the emergence of new practices.