Revista de Estudios Brasileños (Dec 2018)
From Capitu to three women: notes about Paulo Emílio Sales Gomes
This article discusses works by Paulo Emílio Sales Gomes, considering passages from his critical writings and two of his fictional productions: the script written in partnership with Lygia Fagundes Telles from the novel Dom Casmurro (Machado de Assis, 1899), for the film Capitu (directed by Paulo César Saraceni, 1968), and the narratives of the book Três mulheres de três PPPs (1977). The objective is to identify affinities between critical perspectives on Brazilian social life formalized in the compositions of Machado and Paulo Emílio, as well as in positions on the Brazilian cinema assumed by the author of the essay Cinema: trajetória no subdesenvolvimento.