Записки з українського мовознавства (Oct 2015)
The author analyzes and systematizes the linguistic suggestiveness realization algorithms of political slogans, taking into consideration their inherent influential potency. As a result, a complex linguistic suggestiveness analysis model consisting of five crucial components is offered. The meta-model components are as follows: political slogan type (a classification introduced in the author's PhD thesis which describes the slogan according to two basic categories: "addressee's positioning" (naive/factual slogans) and "sender's positioning" (egocentric/critical slogans)); type of lies (based on P Ekman's works on concealment, distortion and exaggeration of truth); NAP structure of linguistic suggestiveness (as introduced in the author's PhD thesis, which implies that any potentially influential text consists of three basic elements: N (the (allegedly) negative state of the recipient's conscience that (allegedly) requires improvement), A (the action needed to improve this negative state) and P (the (allegedly) positive state that is to be achieved by performing the previous action); the NLP meta-model process by R. Bandler and J. Grinder (distortion, deletion and generalization); and the advertisement slogan construction model (as presented in the author's PhD thesis, which features three types of slogans: functional (a factual description of the advertised object), Gestalt (an emotional description) and complex (a combinat ion of the two previous types)). This meta model could be used for both analysis and synthesis of the advertisement text. Analyzing political advertisement slogans according to the presented meta model provides a complex view of the mechanisms of their creation, and, in a way, presents a detailed description of the sender's intentions and strategies, stipulating a deeper understanding of the advertisement market as a whole. The synthesizing of political advertisement text (by this proposed model) will aid in the construction of a linguistically influential text which will more effectively reflect the aims and tactics of the political campaign.