Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) (Feb 2007)
Software quality measures validation in the Czech Republic
The paper concludes the research results performed on the Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, concerning the utilization and validation of external and internal software quality measures (metrics). The aim of this research was the validation of measures (metrics) recommended in the ISO/IEC 9126-2 and 9126-3 technical reports, with the intention to incorporate selected measures to international standards. The research presents the serious deficiencies and users provisions concerning these measures and the necessity of a deep revision of the set of measures before the decision about incorporating these measures into the ISO/IEC 250xx standards series, developed within the SQuaRE international research project. The main part of this contribution was presented at the conference Agricultural Perspectives XV, organised by the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, September 20 to 21, 2006.