Experimental justification of the dexmedetomidine admini stration for medical support in a photodynamic therapy
The influence of anesthetics, namelydexmeditomidine (Dexdor®, «Orion PharmaLtd.») and propofol (Propofol®, «Fresenius Kabi Ltd.»), on a photoinduced lysis of human red blood cells was under study in conditions close to the physiological ones (pH 7,4, 37 oC) using radachlorin (Radachlorin® «Radapharma Ltd.») as a photosensitizer. The «red» diode served as a source of light (658 nm). After irradiation (1.15 J/sm2.s) the process of haemolysis was monitored by a photometry, and a value T50 was measured, that is a period of time from the irradiation ending to the 50 % lysis of red blood cells in an incubation mixture. Dexmeditomidine in all concentrations tested, including the therapeutic range, failed to influence the T50 value. Propofol in the therapeutic range of its concentrations caused significant but doseindependent increase of T50 that is an evidence of the preparation antioxidant action. The absence of the dexmeditomidine «interference» into the mechanism of a photo dynamic effect can be considered as an advantage of thisanesthetic properly for the medical support of a photodynamic therapy.