Cybrarians Journal (Sep 2018)
The role of digital institutional repositories in promoting scholarly communication: A study of the attitudes of faculty members at the University of Constantine 2
With the developments in information and communication technology, especially the Internet and accompanying tools, researchers have started to focus on free publication of their research studies and facilitate their access locally and remotely. This has led to a new approach to scholarly communication under the digital institutional repositories and the open access to information. These are used by academic institutions at the beginning of the third millennium as a means to highlight its scientific activity and preserve its intellectual memory. Researchers have invested this new medium to present their research and scientific studies using self-archiving. This has the greatest impact in overcoming financial and legal restrictions imposed by commercial publishers therefore, creating a new concept to scholarly communication and provided valuable opportunities for researchers to introduce their intellectual production on a large scale and increase their citation rates. It also allowed the university to identify its intellectual assets with the aim of achieving local and international visibility and increasing its impact factor to improve its ranking among higher education institutions. This study aims to investigate the opinions of faculty members at the University of Constantine2, Abdelhamid Mahri, to learn about their attitudes towards academic digital repositories and their readiness to contribute their scientific production. The study used the descriptive approach to data collection. The findings revealed the willingness of the respondents to deposit their work in institutional repositories, but some expressed concerns about piracy, infringement of their intellectual rights and not being considered in their promotion to higher academic rank.