Indonesia Law Reform Journal (Nov 2021)
Kebijakan Wajib Vaksinansi Covid-19 Ditinjau dari Asas Manfaat, Kepentingan Umum dan Hak Asasi Manusia
The COVID-19 vaccine policy received rejection in some communities. The reason for the rejection that many people put forward is the absence of clinical trials on vaccines, as well as the public's assumption that the rule violates human rights. The purpose of this study to find out the implementation of the mandatory policy of Covid-19 vaccination is reviewed from the principle of benefits and principles of public interest and is not contrary to human rights. This research is normative juridical and uses qualitative research methods. This article's contribution is intended for the wider community to know more clearly about the Covid-19 vaccination policy. Keywords: Human rights, The principle of benefit, The principle of public interest, Mandatory; Policy; COVID-19. Abstrak Kebijakan vaksin COVID-19 mendapat penolakan dibeberapa masyarat. Alasan penolakan yang banyak dikemukakan oleh masyarakat adalah belum adanya uji klinis atas vaksin, serta anggapan masyarakat tentang aturan tersebut melanggar hak asasi manusia (HAM). Namun di sisi lain kegiatan vaksinasi dinilai sangat penting serta bermanfaat bagi kepentingan masyarakat umum. Sehingga tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerapan kebijakan wajib vaksinasi Covid-19 telah sesuai dengan asas manfaat dan asas kepentingan umum serta tidak bertentangan dengan hak asasi manusia (HAM). Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif serta menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Kontribusi tulisan ini ditujukan bagi masyarakat luas untuk mengetahui lebih jelas tentang kebijakan vaksinasi Covid-19.