Production Engineering Archives (Sep 2016)

Improvement of working environment conditions in the logistic terminal

  • Magdalena Dobosz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12/3(2016
pp. 5 – 8


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The authors of this article analyse and propose improvement of safety and health at work in the transshipment terminal of a logistics company. The character of the place means that workers are exposed to constant overload of their musculoskeletal system, which is defined in the process of transporting the cargo of considerable weight. After analysing changes in the conditions of safety and health at work on selected positions were proposed. Qualitative research using the observation method, as well as the quantitative approach after changes in working conditions show the change of attitudes of employees to their work and higher performance. After a year of the proposed changes, a decision was made to introduce them also into external companies and for employees working in the cargo transshipment terminal.
