Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (Dec 2019)
Approach on the automation of aircraft owner's evaluation processes at the points of management of the air force
In the article offered approach in relation to perfection of special mathematical and programmatic за-безпечення АSC for the decision of task of recognition of intention of air opponent on the basis of new informative technologies of creation and use of bases of knowledge. The process of recognition of to intention actions of air opponent is examined as the poorly structured task, that stands before a person that makes decision, during preparation and conduct of battle actions. Reasonably for a decision poorly of task of the use of theory of fuzzy sets, that allows the to untie task of recognition of intention of actions of air opponent in composition the system of support of decision-making. As a base model of representation of knowledge of processes of recognition of variants of actions of air opponent in the conditions of vaguenesses a fuzzy set is reasonable as 2 and the unclear logical system is based on her, that allows to formalize tasks that does not yield severe formalization and have analytical character. Using of logical methods for creation of bases of knowledge provides possibility to facilities of automations in relation to the decision of task of estimation of air opponent on the whole, and in particular tasks of recognition of his actions, that is limited to mainly technical descriptions of computing facilities.