Riscuri şi Catastrofe (Oct 2017)
The perception of flood risks. The results of an opinion survey in the Gurghiu basin.
The study of floods perception by the affected or potentially affected Gurghiu basin population is among the few approaches in investigating flood-related risk perceptions in our country. In order to understand the quality and levels of perception of this type of risk, a specific survey was used (the applied method being that of the "expressed preferences"), whereby the population of the exposed rural centres was interviewed in connection with the possible flooding it had suffered, giving variants of questions / answers that ultimately highlight the degree of population impact as well as the level of information-assurance related to this type of risk. The survey consists of 16 questions and was applied to a sample of 226 persons with a stable domicile in 8 rural localities in the studied region. The structure of the survey includes elements about how flood perception is based on numerous factors, grouped into five categories: identification data, level of experience, knowledge and information, number of assurance, involvement of authorities, willingness to volunteer.