Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana (Jan 2014)

Problem aktualności języka mistycznego

  • Izabela Rutkowska

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1


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The article considers different ways of the presence of mystic and the mystical texts in the modern culture. As we proofed, the term ‘mystic’ has many meanings. Its pop cultural picture is often opposite to its theological, Christian meaning. ‘The problem’ indicated in the title concerns the level of understanding of mystical works – their language and their contents. We can see, that these texts can attract with their curiosity and supernatural origins, but there aren’t many people who want to read them as a spiritual doctrine. The presence of this works depends on good preparation and atmosphere, created specially during the retreats, for example. But we have to admired – we can see the renascence of the mystic nowadays. It is very popular not only in the pop cultural stream but also in the university knowledge (in theology, philology, psychology) and in the pastoral work of the Church. All this facts say that in our century there is a high level of spiritual demand
