Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi (Nov 2014)

School Administrators Ethical Leadership Behavior Effects On Physical Education Teachers Organizational Justice Level

  • Gökhan Acar,
  • Metin Kaya,
  • Mustafa Şahin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 3
pp. 51 – 58


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The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between the ethical leadership behaviors of the school exhibited by the administrators and the organizational justice perception of the physical education teachers. In the study where correlation method and causal comparative method were employed, the ethical leadership scale and organizational justice scale have been applied to three hundreds and nine physical education teachers, 228 being men and 81 being women. In process of data analysis, Spearman sequential correlation coefficients and regression Analysis have been applied. A co-directional relationship is in question between the ethical leadership behaviors exhibited by the school administrators and the organizational justice perception of teachers. In the study, the effect of subscales of communicative ethics and behavioral ethics related to the ethical leadership scale to the organizational justice – oriented perception of the teachers have been found meaningful and presents parallelism. Nevertheless, since p-value related to regression coefficient of the leadership conduct exhibited by the Administrators is p lt;0.05, this value is meaningful and due to regression coefficient for fair distribution reading β1=0.634, regression coefficient for fair process β1=0.889 and regression coefficient for fair interaction β1=0.918, being the subscales of the organizational justice, the ethical leadership behavior of administrators co-directionally influences the subscales of teachers' organizational justice perception.
