Taḥqīqāt-i Farhangī-i Īrān (Dec 2014)
The Effect of Modernization Componentsin the Kinship Support of Yazd Families
During the last decades, the institution of family and kinship system effecting from entry modernization process, has experienced so many change and evolutions. so transition of our society from traditional to modernity has been caused to family institution and its functions are severely changed, for this respect, the article attempts for explores this issue whether components of modernization have had role in the kinship support of Yazd families or not? Finding of the article which have collected of survey method, questionnaire tool and sampling of multiple cluster among 384 Yazd families, show that response to this question is positive. In this manner, between background variables (means income, age and sex) and kinship support was a significant. Relationship certainly it must states that age variable communicates a significant and inverted relationship with kinship support, and education with kinship support didn’t show relationship. Among components of modernization, there wasan inverted and significant relationship between vertical individualism, mercantilism, collectivism with kinship support. Likewise, between pluralism and kinship support was a positive and significantrelationship. Among modernization components, the rationality variable and horizontal individualism didn’t have relationship with kinship support. As well as, results of regression showed that the study explains variance of kinship support more than 17% among Yazd families.