Revista de Políticas Públicas (Jan 2016)
AS RELAÇÕES DE TRABALHO NO MARANHÃO: expressões da dinâmica do desenvolvimento dependente
The work addresses the dependent development in Maranhão Amazon, highlighting the inclusion of the state of Maranhão in the dynamic Brazilian economic development, whose adopted model presents with dependence characteristics and without political or economic autonomy. The text highlights the historical role played by Maranhão economy in the national and international division of labor and, in particular, in contemporary transformations of capital globalization, seizing work processes constituted. In Maranhão, social relationships built, both past and today, are explained here from their conditional inclusion on the global dynamics of capital. In this sense, emphasizes the changes taken place in the working world, and in a special way, in labor relations in this federal unit, it is necessary to understand the role that the state took over the whole of capitalist development. The text considers that labor relations suffer historical determination and are based on the contradictions inherent in the capitalist mode of production as the necessary reproduction of non-capitalist forms of production, such as the peasantry.