Гинекология (Dec 2018)
Appreciation of the importance of pregravid preparation and reproductive attitudes of women of childbearing age in the city of Omsk
The aim of the study. Assess the importance of pregravid preparation and outcomes of pregnancy and childbirth, depending on the reproductive attitudes of women in the city of Omsk. Materials and methods. The study included 92 women who were divided into groups: group A (n=43) - women whose pregnancy was planned; group B (n=49) - women whose pregnancy occurred accidentally. Each group was divided into subgroups depending on age: from 18 to 30 and from 31 to 49 years. For each patient included in the study, a specially designed map was filled out. These patients were interviewed at the City Clinical Perinatal Center. Results. Comparative analysis revealed the relationship between the reproductive settings of women of childbearing age and the peculiarity of the course of pregnancy and childbirth in these patients. Summary. The majority of women of fertile age are married: in subgroup AA - 25 (96.2%), AB - 13 (76.5%), BA - 25 (92.6%), BB - 20 (91.0%). The predominant number of women of fertile age have one or more abortions: in subgroup AA - 12 (46.2%), AB - 6 (35.3%), in subgroups of comparison BA - 8 (29.6%), BB - 6 (27.3%). More than half of the women of fertile age surveyed have a history of untreated cervical pathology (from 40.8% to 64.7%). The course of pregnancy in women planning pregnancy in most cases proceeded without complications: in subgroup AA - 13 (50.0%), AB - 11 (64.7%). The most common cause of complicated pregnancy in women whose pregnancy occurred accidentally is the threat of spontaneous miscarriage: in subgroup BA - 15 (55.6%), BB - 16 (72.7%). The uncomplicated course of labor more often [subgroup AA - 19 (73.0%), AB - 12 (70.6%)] was observed in women whose pregnancy was planned and they were motivated to give birth to a healthy child.