Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2016)
Multimedia Technologies in Library Networks with Integrated Services
The article examines development of multimedia network technologies with the integration of services at the library in terms of implementation and expansion of interlibrary information space, analyzes multimedia technologies in library networks with integrated services, standards and data transfer protocols in them.Methods of design and analysis of digital networks of integrated services (ISDN) in the library environment, and a single systematic approach to the evaluation of the transfer processes of different classes of information and types of telecommunication services (maintenance) were analyzed.The dependence of library networks with integrated services was studied and the following information was received:- comparative qualitative assessment of protocols opportunities for the species of telecommunications services;- options for the joint implementation of several types of service based on a protocol.Thus, the general scheme of study and choice of algorithmic information ISDN structures will consist of the following sequence:- evaluation of the structure and characteristics of the quantity of traffic entering the network;- determination on the basis of the evaluation desired characteristics of the designed network;- investigation of possibilities of modern telecommunication protocols and selection of the most appropriate for the projected network. Conclusions about the feasibility and the implementation of certain types of service using the latest protocols for the transmission of multimedia information in library and information environment were made.