Flow (Jan 2023)
Effects of prey capture on the swimming and feeding performance of choanoflagellates
Locomoting organisms often carry loads such as captured prey or young. Load-carrying effects on high-Reynolds-number flight have been studied, but the fluid dynamics of load carrying by low-Reynolds-number microorganisms has not. We studied low-Reynolds-number load carrying using unicellular choanoflagellates, which wave a flagellum to swim and create a water current transporting bacterial prey to a food-capturing collar of microvilli. A regularized Stokeslet framework was used to model the hydrodynamics of a swimming choanoflagellate with bacterial prey on its collar. Both the model and microvideography of choanoflagellates showed that swimming speed decreases as number of prey being carried increases. Flux of water into the capture zone is reduced by bacteria on the collar, which redirect the water flow and occlude parts of the collar. Feeding efficiency (prey captured per work to produce the feeding current) is decreased more by large prey, prey in the plane of flagellar beating and prey near microvillar tips than by prey in other locations. Some choanoflagellates can attach themselves to surfaces. We found that the reduction in flux due to bacterial prey on the collars of these attached thecate cells was similar to the reduction in flux for swimmers.