Вісник Уманського національного університету садівництва (Dec 2015)
Sterilization of sugar beet plant material, depending on the type of sterilizer, concentration and exposure of sterilization in vitro
The thesis being presented are results of researches regarding the selection of sterilizer, exposure of sterilization and its concentration in sugar beet hybrids when injected into the culture in vitro. The most effective sterilizing agent to enter micro engraftments in isolated culture is defined 0.1% matched aqueous solution of dichloride mercury exposure for 15 minutes is established. The exit of sterile viable explants from which soon evolved the plants-regenerates is amounted up to 96%. It should be noted that the best sterilizer was the five percent solution of Septodor-forte, for which the increasing of exposure the sterilization from 10 to 20 minutes is obtained the exit of sterile material at 50-90% level.