Lex Portus (Dec 2019)
Customs authorities’ involvement into official control
In this article, conditions, common factors and tendencies of institutional and legal support for official control measures, the legal status of customs authorities involved into the control are determined, basing on the analysis of the current legislation, scientific works, generalization of law enforcement, domestic and foreign experience. Problematic aspects are revealed and suggestions are offered to improve the performance and efficiency of preliminary documentary control. It is discovered that the system of customs clearance and control in Ukraine is applied to accelerate the passage of goods and vehicles across the customs border. Increased capacity of checkpoints simplifies the control over the passage of goods and commercial vehicles. The author highlighted that at Ukrainian boundary checkpoints the customs authorities conduct the phytosanitary, veterinary-sanitary and state control over compliance with regulation on food products, feed materials, animal by-products, animal health and welfare by means of preliminary documentary control based on information obtained from the state bodies authorized to execute this kind of control, using information technology tools. It is noted that despite the customs legislation of Ukraine was significantly changed, to implement the reforms would not be easy. Lobbying the interests of those interested in the inefficient customs legislation hinders further improvement of legal support in this area. Currently the role of the authorities, conducting the control over the state border is increasing. Prevention of the passage through the customs boarder of banned goods and transport vehicles, dangerous for people and environment, depends on their work.