Journal of Medicinal Plants (Dec 2018)
Comparison Effect of Herbals Tea Containing Fenugreek Seed and Fennel Seed on the Signs of Breast Milk Sufficiency in Iranian Girl Infants with 0-4 Months of Age
Background: Fenugreek and Fennel seed has galactogogues properties due to phytoestrogen structure and can increase the volume of breast milk. Objective: The aim of this study was to comparison the effect of herbals teas containing Fenugreek seed and Fennel seed on the signs of breast milk sufficiency in girl infants with 0-4 months of age. Methods: This study was a triple blind clinical trial with placebo group. 117 mothers with 0-4 month’s girl infants randomly were placed in one of the three groups: herbal tea containing Fenugreek seed powder, herbal tea containing Fennel seed powder and placebo group. Before and during 4 weeks of study, the signs of breast milk sufficiency were evaluated through measurement of weight, height and head circumference and follow-up forms for measuring the number of wet diapers in a day, Frequency of defecation and infant breastfeeding times. Results: Before and after the intervention there was no significant difference in the signs of breast milk sufficiency between Fenugreek and Fennel groups. While before the intervention there was no significant difference in signs of breast milk sufficiency between three groups (P>0.05), but the number of breastfeeding times of placebo group was more than interventions groups (P<0.001). At the end of fourth week repeated measures analysis showed, Fenugreek and Fennel significantly improved the signs of breast milk sufficiency compared with the placebo group (P<0.001). But the height growth had no significant difference between the three groups (P=0.094). Conclusion: Herbals teas of Fenugreek seed and Fennel seed in comparison to placebo group improves the signs of breast milk sufficiency.