Revista de Llengua i Dret - Journal of Language and Law (Dec 2005)

El turisme i la projecció exterior de la llengua catalana

  • Joan Melià Garí

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 44


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One of the aspects that constitutes part of the normalcy of a language community is that it is identified and recognized beyond its territorial boundaries. The interest in projecting abroad that is often shown by institutions and agencies responsible for language standardization or expansion processes is, therefore, understandable. The degree of priority given this aspect has increased in recent years because of the greater permeability of language community boundaries, which has been favored by the process of globalization. Furthermore, this aspect is especially important in communities that are immersed in a process of language standardization, such as is the case in the Catalan language community. This article raises the question of the desirability of taking advantages of foreign-born persons either visiting the territory as tourists or living in the territory on a somewhat provisional basis as targets or vehicles for dissemination, with a view towards improving knowledge abroad of the language realities of Catalonia. More than 26 million tourists visit Catalan-speaking territories each year, but a considerable part of them end up returning to their place of origin without being aware of this unique linguistic reality. The limited presence of Catalan on the language landscape or the behavior of many citizens and organizations, which leads them to “shield” foreign visitors from contact with Catalan, are some of the factors that explain this situation. The article takes these circumstances into account and argues in favor of the need to change this situation and understand interventions in the tourist sector – very limited heretofore—from a dual perspective: as interventions in favor of both internal standardization and projection abroad. The article is complemented by general suggestions and concrete action proposals, some of which have already been implemented, mainly in the Balearic Islands.