Poljoprivreda (Dec 2002)


  • V. Kovačević,
  • I. Kadar,
  • J. Koncz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2


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Soil properties and genotype have important role in uptake of particular elements in plants including those, which might have harmful influences in human and animal nutrition, for example strontium (Sr) and cadmium (Cd). Chemistry of Sr is similar with Ca, but Sr cannot substitute Ca in physiological processes. Cd is able to mimic the behavior of Zn in uptake and metabolism. The cause of the toxicity of Cd lies in its much higher affinity for thiol groupings (SH) in enzymes and other proteins. Ten maize hybrids were grown on two soils of moderate fertility (S1 = Zupanja fluvisol and S2 = Luzani pseudoglay: pH in KCl = 7.12 and 5.17, humus = 3.14 and 1.26%, EUF 20oC in mg kg-1= 75 and 17 Ca, 24 and 4 Mg, 2.9 and 4.9 K, 0.67 and 0.44 P, extractable Sr and Cd by NH4-Acetate+EDTA = 21.9 and 11.0 mg kg-1 Sr, 0.15 and 0.17 mg kg-1 Cd, for the S1 and S2 respectively). K deficiency and oversupplies of Mg and Ca are main characteristics of the S1, while the S2 is moderately supplied with P. The experiments were conducted in four replicates (the exp. plot 14 m2). The leaves samples (the ear-leaf at silking stage) were taken for chemical analysis. Sr and Cd in these samples were determined by ICP-AES technique after their microwave digestion using conc. HNO3+H2O2. In general, grain yields were low in both trials (means 6.31 and 6.07 t ha-1, for the S1 and S2, respectively). Sr and Cd concentrations in maize leaves were lower under conditions of the soil S1 (means 26.2 and 29.4 mg kg-1 Sr, 0.10 and 0.16 mg kg-1 Cd, respectively). We presume that acid reaction of the soil S2 could be responsible for these differences. Considerable influences of inheritance on Sr and Cd status in maize leaves were found. For example, the OsSK552, OsSK554 and OsSK558 hybrids characterizing higher contents (mean 31.7 mg kg-1 Sr) in comparison with OsSK382, OsSK458exp and OsSK568exp (mean 24.2 mg kg-1 Sr). Also, in four hybrids (OsSK382, OsSK458exp, OsSK497exp and OsSK552) Cd contents were lower than 0.1 mg kg-1 Cd (mean 0.081 mg kg-1 Cd), while in two hybrids (OsSK568exp and OsSK602) they were above 0.2 mg kg-1 Cd (mean 0.263). Sr and Cd in maize leaves were in tolerant ranges. Similar investigations could useful contribute to improvement of food quality with aspects of their contamination with harmful elements.
