地震科学进展 (Oct 2022)
The earthquake monitoring system in the South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Center
This paper briefly reviewed the initiation steps and developments of the South China Sea Region Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems. In addition, we highlighted the structure and basic functions of the earthquake monitoring and processing system of the Tsunami Warning Systems, such as earthquake location, source mechanism solution and finite fault model inversion using the real-time seismic waveform data from regional and global seismographic networks, that will result in the rapid source parameters estimation for a larger earthquake in tsunami warning. Numerous simulations and hands-on events have shown that the preliminary earthquake parameters could be determined in less than 8 minutes after earthquake. The W-phase method is able to produce rapid and reliable estimation of the moment magnitude and source mechanism for larger events within 10—15 minutes after the earthquake. A finite fault model can be acquired after the earthquake event via computing teleseismic body-wave inversion program. The earthquake monitoring and processing system provide accurate and reliable information in contributing to tsunami warning services.