GeoSport for Society (Dec 2014)

Book review: - TEODOREANU Elena, GACEU Ovidiu, (2013), Turismul balneoclimatic în România (Balneoclimatic Tourism in Romania), Editura Universității din Oradea.

  • Grigore Vasile HERMAN,
  • Anca-Cristina POP

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1-2
pp. 39 – 40


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This paper presents some of the greatest treasures of Romania, undervalued both national and especially international – air and water valorified in three types of bioclimate determined by the natural layering of the relief (tonic-stimulant, sedativeindifferent and turn-applicant), plus two indoor bioclimates (saline and cave), 11 types of mineral waters, numerous lakes (fresh, brackish and salty), therapeutic mud (mud, minerals and peat), therapeutic gases (pits, Solfatara ). From ancient times until present more than 250 resorts have been created, both for local and general interest, and if we take into account locations with balnear conditions, the resorts of balnear interest will exceed 500 and thereby Romania can be a contender to certain countries with traditional tourist basins such as France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece etc.
