Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (Oct 2013)
Selected Abstracts of the 9th International Workshop on Neonatology; Cagliari (Italy); October 23-26, 2013
Selected Abstracts of the 9th International Workshop on Neonatology • LEARNED LESSONS, CHANGING PRACTICE AND CUTTING-EDGE RESEARCH • Cagliari (Italy) • October 23rd-26th 2013 The Workshop has been organized on behalf of Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies, Union of Mediterranean Neonatal Societies, Italian Society of Neonatology, UNICEF, and under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic. ABS 1. Aetiology and type of reference hospital for neonatal transport in Greece during 2012 • S. Mouskou, C. Varakis, D. Pyrros, N. Iacovidou; Athens (Greece) ABS 2. Changes in neonatal outcomes of very low birth weight infants in Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences • K. Stuikiene, R. Tameliene, D. Stoniene, A. Kudreviciene, V. Ivanauskiene; Kaunas (Lithuania) ABS 3. Autoimmune liver disease in childhood • Y. Gibo, D. Fanni, P. Van Eyken, S. Nemolato, G. Floris, C. Gerosa; Matsumoto (Japan), Leuven (Belgium) and Cagliari (Italy) ABS 4. Lactoferrin attenuates intestinal injury afther perinatal hypoxia and hypothermia • N. Barisic, G. Konstantinidis, V. Stojanovic, A. Doronjski, S. Spasojevic; Novi Sad (Serbia) ABS 5. Osteopenia in prematurity: case report • K. Stuikiene, R. Tameliene, D. Stoniene, A. Kudreviciene, V. Ivanauskiene; Kaunas (Lithuania) ABS 6. Neonatal Bartter syndrome: case report of a very unusual entity • A. Koutroumpa, K. Georgiou, H. Georgaki, F. Anatolitou; Athens (Greece) ABS 7. Placental Growth Factor (PlGF) and placental function • I. Atzeni, S.F. Deiana, A. Meloni, B. Piras, P. Zedda, S. Soddu, G. Parodo, G. Faa, G.B. Melis, A.M. Paoletti; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 8. Neonatal ECMO: initial experience of Hospital de São João • G. Rocha, P. Soares, T. Henriques-Coelho, J. Correia-Pinto, J. Monteiro, H. Guimarães, R. Roncon-Albuquerque Jr; Porto (Portugal) ABS 9. GCMS-based metabolomics analysis of urines in hypoxic neonatal piglets • C. Fattuoni, L. Barberini, N. Iacovidou, T. Xanthos, A. Papalois, E. d’Aloja, G. Finco, A. Noto, A. Dessì, V. Fanos; Cagliari (Italy) and Athens (Greece) ABS 10. Combined oral Sildenafil and Bosentan in a ex-preterm infant with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, sepsis and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension refractory to inhaled nitric oxide • E. Gitto, L. Marseglia, S. Aversa, M.P. Calabrò, I. Barberi; Messina (Italy) ABS 11. The importance of the National Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Modena for the history of Pediatrics • I. Farnetani, F. Farnetani; Milan, Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) ABS 12. Alternative use of paracetamol in PDA closure: three case reports • C. Fanni, R. Irmesi, M. Testa, M.A. Marcialis, M.C. Pintus, F. Cioglia, S. Puddu, C. Loddo, V. Fanos; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 13. Males in Sardinia are the healthiest of Italy • I. Farnetani, F. Farnetani; Milan, Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) ABS 14. Renal pelvis perforation: a rare complication of long line in a premature infant • L. Marseglia, S. Manti, G. D’Angelo, E. Gitto, G. Quartarone, I. Barberi; Messina (Italy) ABS 15. The chair of childcare in Florence was established by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta • I. Farnetani, M.C. Gallorini Farnetani, F. Farnetani; Milan, Arezzo, Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) ABS 16. Nurse Led Clinic: wellbeing for mother and son • C. Ennas, A. Dessì, A. Fenu, E. Pilloni, D. Pireddu, M. Crisafulli, V. Fanos; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 17. Emotional states of mothers of premature babies three months after discharge • P. Paladini, A. Frisenna, L. Valletta, A. Paladini; Lecce and Rome (Italy) ABS 18. Recurrent benign pneumoperitoneum in a moderately preterm newborn infant • F. Zaglia, F. Doro, S. Spaggiari, A. Coghi, L. Lubrano, E. Andreatta, P. Biban; Verona (Italy) ABS 19. Dosimetric issues in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit • A. Bernardini, V. Fanti, L. Satta, M. Puddu, V. Fanos; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 20. Self-healing Langerhans cell histio-cytosis (Hashimoto-Pritzker disease) in a 5-month-old child • P. Bianco, B. Piras, G. Senes, L. Pilloni; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 21. Recurrent preterm delivery and histological chorioamnionitis: a case report • S. Soddu, A. Meloni, F. Delfino, M. Puddu, M. Pautasso, S.F. Deiana, M. Testa, I. Murgianu, G. Parodo; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 22. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity in the newborn kidney: a new marker for cap mesenchymal cells • E. Obinu, D. Fanni, C. Gerosa, E. Di Felice, S. Nemolato, A. Dessì, V. Marinelli, L. Ruggeri, B. Pinna, G. Faa, V. Fanos, R. Ambu; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 23. Relevant changes in nephrogenesis in Down syndrome • G. Parodo, S. Soddu, A. Crobe, M. Desogus, A.M. Paoletti, G. Ottonello, V. Zurrida, D. Gariel, G. Secci, L. Cataldi; Cagliari and Rome (Italy) ABS 24. Interindividual variability in Langerhans islet burden in newborn pancreas at birth • G. Locci, A. Pinna, S. Nemolato, V. Mais, C. Gerosa, D. Fanni, C. Loddo, M. Testa, I. Murgianu, A.M. Nurchi; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 25. G6PD deficiency in Sardinian newborn: the utility of molecular test • R. Carboni, A. Dessì, M.C. Sollaino, G. Ottonello, L. Costa, E. Vannelli, L. Beltrano, M.B. Botta, D. Susto, P. Moi; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 26. Morphogenesis and molecular mechanisms involved in human exocrine and endocrine pancreas development • A. Pinna, G. Locci, S. Nemolato, C. Gerosa, C. Fanni, A.M. Nurchi, M.A. Marcialis, M.C. Pintus, A. Dessì, R. Ambu; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 27. Massive myocardial infarction in a newborn with Idiopathic Infantile Arterial Calcification • R. Ambu, A. Faa, C. Gerosa, D. Fanni, V. Marinelli, F. Birocchi, F. Cioglia, G. Palmas, P. Neroni, P.P. Bassareo; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 28. Vitamin D status and type of feeding in a group of 50 unsupplemented infants (1 month – 2 years) • M. Fanos, F. Vierucci, M. Gori, F. Simi, P. Erba, G. Saggese; Pisa (Italy) ABS 29. Multidisciplinary care to achieve humanization in pregnancy at high risk of preterm birth • I. Melis, M. Zonza, M. Puddu, B. Vacca, K. Martsidis, P. Zedda, R. Mura, S. Soddu, A.M. Paoletti, G.B. Melis, A. Meloni; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 30. An unexpected case of GBS early-onset meningo-sepsis • D. Olla, A.R. Denotti, E. Coni, G. Ottonello; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 31. Relevant hystological alterations in neonatal kidney: 5 case reports • C. Loddo, M. Puddu, S. Puddu, C. Gerosa, D. Fanni, C. Fanni, G. Ottonello, E. Trudu, P. Van Eyken, V. Fanos, G. Faa; Cagliari (Italy) and Leuven (Belgium) ABS 32. Variability in drug use among newborns admitted to NICUs: a proposal for an European multicentre study • L. Cuzzolin; Verona (Italy) ABS 33. Gastrointestinal disorders in the newborn: proposal of a practical flow-chart • A. De Magistris, M.A. Marcialis, M.C. Pintus, A. Reali, S. Puddu, V. Fanos; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 34. Sudden infant death syndrome and the right sleep position: an irrational information strategy on a very serious issue • S. Mouskou, C. Varakis, E. Ioannidou, P. Troizos-Papavasileiou, N. Varakis, N. Iacovidou; Athens and Rethymno (Greece) ABS 35. Attenuation measurements of infant incubators in radiological practice • A. Bernardini, V. Del Rio, V. Fanti, L. Satta, E. Tumminia, M. Puddu, V. Fanos; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 36. In vitro kidney embryonic cell proliferation during indomethacin and ibuprofen administration • G. Pichiri, E. Di Felice, A. Sanna, A. Dessì, M. Puddu, E. Puxeddu, G. Faa, V. Fanos, P.P. Coni; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 37. Congenital syphilis in Brazil: A preventive challenge • M. Valverde Pagani, R. Leandro de Souza; Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) ABS 38. Relationship between Infections and the invasive procedure in VLBW premature: the role of the nurse • G. Cruccu, P. Casula; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 39. Right sided pulmonary agenesis • C. Fanni, M.A. Marcialis, M.C. Pintus, M. Testa, A. De Magistris, C. Loddo, R. Irmesi, E. Coni, G. Secci, S. Puddu, M. Puddu; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 40. Enteral nutrition in preterm infants: current practical issues for the daily practice • R. Örs; Konya (Turkey) ABS 41. Erythropoietin adiministration effetcs on heart in Landrace/Large White pigs exposed to ventricular fibrillation • A. Faa, V. Fanos, N. Iacovidou, E. Di Felice, P. Pampaloni, D. Fanni, D. Scano, C. Gerosa, M.E. Pais, T. Xanthos; Cagliari (Italy) and Athens (Greece) ABS 42. A case of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) in a full-term newborn • E. Coni, R. Irmesi, D. Olla, L. Mascia, M.A. Marcialis, M. Corsello, A. De Magistris, S. Puddu, G. Ottonello, P. Bagolan, A. Manconi, G. Totomelli, A. Dotta; Cagliari and Rome (Italy) ABS 43. A pilot study on maternal attachment: a comparison between mothers of preterm babies and mothers of full term babies • M. Zonza, J. Sanna, M. Vacca, L. Vismara; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 44. Individualized fortification of human milk in ELBW: growth velocity in utero is not the ideal target for preterm infants (23-25 weeks GA) after birth • A. Reali, F. Greco, M. Puddu, F. Birocchi, S. Puddu, S. Atzeni, R. Campus, V. Fanos; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 45. Adolescence, pregnancy and neonatal nursing care for adolescent mothers • I. Angius, M. Puddu, V. Annis, D. Lampis, G. Licheri, M. Zonza; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 46. Maternal psychological health and social support in the context of preterm birth • L. Vismara, T. Chessa, D. Vacca, G. Palmas, M. Zonza; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 47. Patient Education in Neonatology: an operative proposal • M. Zonza, S. Carreras, D. Derio, G. Licheri, T. Sarigu, S. Floris; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 48. The NIDCAP: nursing care seen through the children’s eyes • S. Melas, P. Casula; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 49. Esophageal perforation in preterm baby • E. Villa, I. Mauro, R. Baracchetti, L. Leva, M. Barbarini; Como (Italy) ABS 50. A case of postnatal onset thalassemia major • F. Mascia, A.P. Pinna, F. Sau, S. Pusceddu, M.L. Fenu, M. Dedoni, A.M. Nurchi; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 51. Extremely severe neonatal anaemia from fetal-maternal haemorrhage: a case report • L. Andaloro, F. Sacco, A. Serra, L. Lubrano, F. Doro, P. Biban; Verona (Italy) ABS 52. An integrated follow-up path for preterm children • G. Perricone, C. Polizzi, M.R. Morales, A. Faucetta, J. Caldas Luizeiro; Palermo (Italy) ABS 53. When breast is not the best: a case of severe allergic proctocolitis • A.P. Pinna, F. Sau, S. Pusceddu, C. Serra, R. Puxeddu, A. Putzu, A.M. Nurchi; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 54. Fetal thrombotic vasculopathy (FTV) and neonatal outcome: the importance of histological examination • F. Magnetti, G. Botta, R. Bagna, P. Saracco, A. Viano, G. Dorati, S. Carbonati, E. Bobba, C. Tortone, F. Chiale, E. Bertino; Turin (Italy) ABS 55. Surveillance of fungal colonizations in surgical neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit • F. Serraino, C. Maida, M. Allegro, F. Nociforo, M. Giuffrè, G. Corsello; Palermo (Italy) ABS 56. Fetal maternal alloimmunization: therapy and outcomes in a large cohort study • M. Federica, B. Rossana, P. Saracco, C. Tortone, G. Dorati, M. Mensa, F. Chiale, M. Pavan, D. Peruccio, R. Mazzone, E. Bobba, S. Carbonati; Turin (Italy) ABS 57. Correlation between impedance patterns and clinical outcome in newborns with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux • E. Maggiora, F. Cresi, E. Locatelli, A. Pirra, C. Tortone, F. Chiale, L. Occhi, A. Coscia, S. Borgione, C. Martano, L. Ferrero, E. Bertino; Turin (Italy) ABS 58. Urinary excretion of NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin) at birth is predictive of acute kidney injury (AKI) in very low birth weight infants • F. Chiale, L. Peruzzi, E. Maggiora, M.E. Donadio, M. Raia, S. Carbonati, R. Camilla, C. Martano, F. Cresi, E. Marcianò, R. Coppo, E. Bertino; Turin (Italy) ABS 59. Influence of circadian rhythms on gastroesophageal reflux in newborns • E. Maggiora, F. Cresi, E. Locatelli, E. Cester, E. Marcianò, A. Pirra, F. Chiale, L. Occhi, A. Coscia, L. Di Leo, P. Murru, E. Bertino; Turin (Italy) ABS 60. Impact of pregnancy and labour complications on neonatal outcomes: a retrospective cohort study in a rural hospital of Ethiopia • E. Bobba, M. Fascendini, F. Magnetti, M. Raia, F. Chiale, E. Bertino; Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and Turin (Italy) ABS 61. Admission chemistry blood tests from umbilical cord and from infant: are they comparable? • L. Massenzi, S. Donno, S. Abuhajar, F. Papa, C. Gizzi, G. Bonatti, R. Evangelisti, A.C. Massolo, C. Consigli, E. Sorrentino, C. Haass, R. Agostino; Rome (Italy) ABS 62. Urine metabolomic setting in normal newborn: methodological approach • M.G. Pattumelli, V. Fiorenza, S. Ciccarelli, C. Ossicini, R. Agostino; Rome (Italy) ABS 63. Universal neonatal hearing screening and follow up • L. Occhi, G. Prandi, D. Di Lisi, P. Consolino, A. Leone, P. Di Nicola, M. Raia, E. Maggiora, C. Tortone, S. Carbonati, E. Bertino, C. Fabris; Turin (Italy) ABS 64. Use of umbilical cord blood (UCB) for neonatal early onset sepsis screening • G. Bonatti, M. Evangelisti, S. Donno, A.C. Massolo, C. Consigli, E. Sorrentino, L. Massenzi, S. Abuhajar, C. Gizzi, P. Pasqualetti, R. Agostino, M. Finocchi; Rome (Italy) ABS 65. Severe hypoglycaemia associated with cholestatic jaundice in the newborn: a possible marker of congenital hypopituitarism • P. Cavarzere, L. Chini, S. Spada, P. Biban; Verona (Italy) ABS 66. Caesarean section and asthma in children: a case-control study • S. Orani, M. Copula, M. Peri, A. Dessì, G.B. Corona, A.M. Nurchi; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 67. Pax-2 immunoreactivity in human developing kidney • F. Farci, G. Senes, D. Fanni, C. Gerosa, E. Puxeddu, G. Faa, V. Fanos, R. Ambu; Rome (Italy) ABS 68. Effect of surfactant therapy on cardiac enzyme levels in very low birth weight infants with respiratory distress syndrome: a preliminary study • S. Takci, M. Yurdakok, O. Onay, A. Korkmaz, S. Yigit; Ankara (Turkey) ABS 69. Combined effects of gestational age and lactation stage on the metabolite profile of human breast milk: a 1H-NMR investigation • F. Cesare Marincola, A. Noto, L. Atzori, A. Reali, V. Fanos; Cagliari (Italy) ABS 70. Identification of cell-mediated immunity reference values for a population of preterm infants using the Cylex™ ImmuKnow® assay • G. Aquilano, M.G. Capretti, M. De Angelis, C. Marsico, A. Orlandi, L. Gabrielli, T. Lazzarotto, G. Piccirilli, L. Corvaglia, G. Faldella; Bologna (Italy) ABS 71. The effect of serum IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and erythrocyte transfusions on development of mild retinopathy of prematurity • D. Bozkaya, E. Ergenekon, A. Yucel, S. Ozdek, O. Turan, C. Turkyilmaz, E. Onal, E. Koc, Y. Atalay; Ankara (Turkey) ABS 72. Is it possible to save Central Venous Catheter (CVC) in critically ill newborns with invasive fungal infection? • I. Bersani, M. Corsello, F. Piersigilli, I. Savarese, M.P. Ronchetti, C. Auriti, B. Goffredo, T. Corsetti, P. Fazi, A. Dotta; Rome (Italy) ABS 73. Antonio Cao, an unforgettable Master • M.G. Gregorio, L. Cataldi; Cagliari and Rome (Italy) ABS 74. Long term effects of adenosine (Ad) and hypotermia (HT) on the kidneys of asphyxiated neonatal rats • E. Puxeddu, D. Fanni, C. Gerosa, V. Bronshtein, C. Cai, M. Bronshtein, G. Valencia, K.D. Beharry, G. Faa, V. Fanos, J.V. Aranda; New York (USA) and Cagliari (Italy) ABS 75. Nutrimetabonomics in pediatric research • S. Rezzi, F-P. Martin, S. Moco; Lausanne (Switzerland) ABS 76. Postpartum depression and puerperal psychosis in the ancient world • M. Corridori; Quartu Sant’Elena (Italy) ABS 77. Effects of intraperitoneal melatonin injection on autophagy and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in a preterm rat model of LPS-induced leukoencephalopathy • S. Carloni, W. Balduini, E. Saliba, G. Favrais, M. Longini, F. Proietti, G. Buonocore; Tours (France), Urbino and Siena (Italy)