Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science (Sep 1992)
Description of two new <i>Ogma</i> Southern, 1914 species (Nemata: Criconematoidea) with a list of plant-parasitic nematode species from Natal
Two new O^nia Southern, 1914 species are described and figured from Giant's Castle Nature Reserve, Kamberg Nature Reserve and the Royal Natal National Park. O^ma naomiae spec. nov. females are characterised by having 10 to 12 longitudinal rows of scales on 63 to 69 retrorse body annuli; scales haphazardly arranged on first nine to 10 annuli; scales mostly with two projections, becoming longer toward tail end; all scales with minute protuberances on outer edges; lip region with one annulus with a greater diameter than first body annulus. Juveniles with 14 to 16 longitudinal rows of scales on 73 to 76 retrorse body annuli; each scale bearing five to seven sharply pointed processes; one lip annulus with an equal diameter to first body annulus. O^ma ueckermanni spec. nov. females are characterised by eight longitudinal rows of rounded scales on 60 to 67 body annuli becoming longer toward tail tip where they bear two, three or four-pronged processes; roughly sculptured recessed part of annulus extends to follow the outline of the scale almost forming a pillar between two succeeding scales; one lip annulus with a greater diameter than first body annulus; raised labial area with six pseudolips and no submedian lobes; margin of lip annulus with rounded tooth-like projections; stylet 49,3 to 60,7 ^m long. A list is given of the 16 known plant-parasitic nematodes found in these areas.