E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2017)
Environmental impact of geothermal power plants in Aydın, Turkey
Geothermal energy is classified as a clean and sustainable energy source, like all industrial activities, geothermal energy power plants (GEPP) technology has also some positive and negative effects on the environment. In this paper are presented by attent not only on environmental impacts of GEPP onto Büyük Menderes River and fresh water sources, which ere used for irrigation of agricultural fields from tousands of years in basin, but also on water quality contents like heavy metals and gases emition due to drilling and electricity producing technology of GEPP's. Aydın province is located in the southwestern part of the region and its city center has around 300000 population. The high geothermal potential of this region became from geographical location, which is held on active tectonic Alpine-Himalaya Orogen belt with active volcanoes and young faults. Since 1980's to 2016 there is about 70.97% (662.75 MW) of installed capacity by according to the Mineral Research and Exploration General Directorate, there are totally 290 well licensed (540 explore licenses and 76 business licenses), and 31 geothermal powerplants purposely installed. Topic is important because of number of GEPP increased rapidly after 2012 to now a days to 36 in whole basin.