Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (Nov 2021)
The relevance of this study is caused by the fact that in order to increase the efficiency (productivity) of the ultrasound method for preparing high-viscosity oil for transport it is necessary to take into account all the construction features of the ultrasound emitter in order to fully complete energy matching of the oscillatory system «emitter–load». The aim of the research is to develop a mathematical model of an ultrasound resonant emitter accounting for the effect of deformation of the emitter body and oscillations of a multilayer piezo actuator on its amplitude-frequency characteristics in order to obtain the total energy characteristics of the system. Objects: the design of the ultrasound resonant emitter, amplitude-frequency characteristics. Methods: mathematical modeling of an ultrasound resonant emitter, taking into account the oscillating processes of the movable parts inertia of the structure, the mobility of a emitter body part and the oscillating processes of a multilayer piezo actuator. Results. The mathematical model makes it possible to calculate the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillatory system accounting for deformations of the ultrasound emitter body and oscillations of a multilayer piezo actuator; to determine the resonant frequencies of the system; to choose the construction of the emitter body and piezo package. Results of the theoretical calculations show very good agreement with experimental data with the deviation of no more than 15 %. Conclusions. The results of the study showed that in order to obtain reliable information on operation of ultrasound resonance emitter, the influence of the rigidity of the body and internal oscillations of the multilayer piezoactuator must be taken into account in the analytical calculations. The deformation of a part of the ultrasound emitter body by the use of inspection windows increases the acceleration of the working pusher as compared to the operation of the radiator ultrasound emitter with a completely rigid body, thereby increasing the coefficient of electrical energy into mechanical one. The mathematical model of the ultrasound resonant emitter makes it possible to determine the oscillation system frequencies at which the maximum energy conversion coefficient is observed and to estimate the necessary accuracy of the energy source frequency setting.