Российский паразитологический журнал (Dec 2019)
Epizootological Monitoring of Trypanosomosis and Piroplasmidosis in Animals
The literature in trypanosomosis and piroplasmosis in animals was analyzed. Protozoal diseases of animals are widely spread in the Russian Federation and may cause substantial economic damage. The diagnostics of protozoal diseases now uses various methods – microscopic, serological and molecular-biological. Different methods should be used in combination for successful diagnostics. Protozoologists are faced with the following tasks: continuous monitoring of the epizootic condition for the prevailing and economically significant protozoal diseases of animals; development and implementation of most advanced effective drugs for diagnostics, therapy and prevention of protozoal diseases based on molecular biology, genetic engineering and cell biotechnology achievements; chemotherapeutic screening to treat parasite carriers’ body from the disease agent; study of biocenotic relations among endamebas of various systemic groups; studying genetic make-ups of an antigenic shift of pathogenic protozoa; development of immunogenetic studies of animals to select their protozoal disease-resistant populations; study of biology of the understudied protozoal diseases.