Journal of Creativity (Dec 2022)
Game-changers accessing breakthrough: A general theory?
This article is a revised narrative based on a visual presentation delivered 15th July, at the 2022 Southern Oregon University (SOU) Creativity Conference, Ashland, Oregon, USA. The article discusses a fresh, accessible, framework researched and developed about Breakthrough, witnessed through familiar attributes that add value, and which appears to be universal. The article suggests that, compared with typical outcomes from mainstream disciplines – including Creativity and Management – the value of a Breakthrough outcome is superior. The article also notes that, while most disciplines involve processes that take decision-making so far, an emergent General Theory of Breakthrough goes even further. Exposing some anomalies and shortcomings among mainstream best practices, the article also suggests how this approach to Breakthrough can upgrade disciplines, and help decision-makers become more valuable, as game-changers.