Analiza i Egzystencja (Jan 2024)

Filozofia homo romanticus w zwierciadle teorii literackiej Friedricha Schlegla

  • Malwina Rolka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 67


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The article aims to analyse the philosophical content of selected aspects of the literary theory of Friedrich Schlegel - one of the initiators and main founders of the Jena Romantic school. Schlegel is primarily known as a brilliant literary critic who popularised the notion of Romantic poetry. Romantic poetry, however, is not only a fundamental concept of the new school of literary studies, but also an important element of Schlegel’s philosophy of man, describing the model of modern humanity. In this paper, I assume that Schlegel's literary theory is a mirror that generates a reflection of Romantic man. In this perspective, all the main features of Romantic literature – self-consciousness, reflexivity, freedom, individuality, the striving for the infinite or organicism – in fact turn out to be attributes of its creator.
