Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski (Jan 2018)

Katolicka społeczność Gdańska w świetle ksiąg metrykalnych z drugiej połowy XVIII wieku. Nowe spojrzenie na przemiany demograficzne w wielowyznaniowym, protestanckim ośrodku

  • Sławomir Kościelak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 40


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This article postulates revising the previous arrangements for demographic change in modern Gdańsk, which were devised nearly 30 years ago by the Gdańsk researcher Jan Baszanowski, who died prematurely in 1989, and which appeared in a posthumously-published monograph. Baszanowski’s calculations, based only on tables of vital statistics drawn up by municipal agencies, should be compared with entries in the registers (relatively wellpreserved for the modern period) from Gdańsk parishes (both Protestant and Catholic). Analysis of the registers will also provide new data. Without questioning the general statistical trends outlined in Baszanowski’s findings, it is absolutely imperative to return to research on the demography of Gdańsk and other cities in Royal Prussia.
