Journal of Engineering (Jul 2024)
IoT-Based Low-Cost Smart Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi Pico W and Blynk Application
In recent years, the technological advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart sensing devices have opened new trends and given practical solutions in various sectors of life. The IoT is a modern technology that interconnects networks of different things. Healthcare sectors have been improved based on IoT including the health monitoring system (HMS). Monitoring patient observation wirelessly at a low cost is considered a significant issue. This work is proposed especially for monitoring patient health parameters in real-time at a low price. It consists of smart sensors that measure different parameters which are: BPM (heart rate), body temperature, and SPO2 (Oxygen Saturation) for the patient, respectively. Patient status is displayed locally on the OLED and globally using the Blynk application. In this system, the Raspberry Pi Pico W board is used as a microcontroller with the concept of cloud computing. The results showed that patients’ acquired data would be transmitted very quickly, and numerous patients could be screened remotely. The proposed HMS is compared to commercial devices in terms of accuracy, cost, and usability. The system shows an acceptable error percentage for the mentioned health parameters ranging between (-2 to 7 %), relatively low cost and flexible usage.