Revista Cubana de Estomatología (Jun 2022)

Fossa navicularis magna: detection by cone-beam computed tomography

  • Jesica Rocio Calle Morocho,
  • Janet Guevara Canales,
  • Eduardo Calle Velezmoro

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 59, no. 3
pp. e3187 – e3187


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Introduction: The identification, interpretation and management of incidental findings in dental imaging is essential. Some of them require additional imaging techniques and referral to experienced professionals, others only their description. One of these anatomical variants is found in the clivus, fossa navicularis magna, associated in few cases with systemic repercussions. Objective: Describe the characteristics of fossa navicularismagna for its identification by cone-beam computed tomography. Presentation of cases: Three female patients, with an age range between 35-71 years who come to the Dental Center of San Martín de Porres University for orthodontic treatments and oral rehabilitation. In these areas, as part of the protocol, cone-beam computed tomography per retained piece and development of surgical guides are requested, respectively. The scan allows the identification of a notch-like defect in the clivus, of well-defined boundaries and corticalized edges, suggesting fossa navicularis magna. The patients' medical history did not suggest clinical implications. Main comments: This anatomical variant is reported and discussed and its presence does not require treatment and generally has no systemic repercussions. In rare cases it has been associated with clinical pictures that threaten the patient's life, precisely because it can serve as a path for intracranial infections. Hence the need to know and describe this anatomical variant.
