Fontes Linguae Vasconum (Dec 2013)
Iruñe ondoko euskal testu zahar berri bat
Untzuko (Txulapain) parrokian edo inguruan orain gutxi agertu den euskal eskuizkribu zahar baten edizio eta azterketa dakargu lan honetan. Testuaren deskribapena egin dugu eta izkribua itzulpen-moldaketa dela kontuan harturik, jorratzen duen gaiaz eta testua euskaraz egotearen arrazoiez azalpen zenbait eman ditugu. Idazkiaren estilo txukuna gogoan, egile anonimoaren ezagupenen eta eraginen gaineko ondorioak atera ditugu. Horrezaz gain, testua ikuspegi filologiko eta dialektologikotik aztertuta, dagokion garaian eta hizkeran kokatzen saiatu gara. Eskuizkribuaren transkripzioa, grafia eta puntuazioa gaurkotua duen bertsioa eta jatorrizkoaren faksimilea ere eman ditugu hemen. This paper presents an analysis and an edited version of a manuscript in Basque recently discovered in the parish of Unzu (Txulapain / Juslapeña) or its surroundings. Considering this is a translation-adaptation, the text is described and some explanations both about its topic and the reason for it being written in Basque are supplied. Bearing in mind the elevated style of the writing, some conclusions about the knowledge base and the influences received by the anonymous writer are also drawn. After a philological and dialectological analysis, the text has also been placed in its corresponding time and linguistic variety. Furthermore, its transcription, a version in modern spelling and punctuation, and the facsimile from the original are provided.