Journal of Curriculum Studies (Mar 2009)

做情緒的主人:國小六年級樂觀情緒課程方案之行動研究 Master Your Emotions: An Action Research on the Topic of Optimism in An Emotional Education Program for Six Graders

  • 方德隆Der-Long Fang,
  • 吳佩珊Pei-Shan Wu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 29 – 55


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本研究旨在依據正向心理學的內涵發展適合國小六年級的樂觀情緒課程方案,分析樂觀情緒課程方案實施的歷程,探討實施樂觀情緒課程方案後學童的改變與成長。在行動研究過程中,以觀察、訪談、文件分析等方式進行資料的蒐集與分析。研究發現:一、樂觀情緒課程方案有助於學童以樂觀解釋型態看待事物;二、樂觀情緒課程方案兼顧情意與行動實踐的內化,有助於知行合一;三、樂觀情緒教育課程內容有助於個案認知的改變並增進良好情緒的表達;四、教材融入真實生活事件提高體驗、省思及內化的功能;五、多元化教學策略促進學童體驗、省思與實踐。最後,根據上述研究結論,提出相關建議,以作為國小樂觀情緒課程方案設計與實施之參考。 This research aims to develop a suitable emotional education program focusing on the topic of optimism for six graders in an elementary school, to analyze the process of conducting the positive emotional education program, and to explore children’s learning performance after the program has been implemented. The methods for data collection and analysis employed are observation, interview and document analysis. Main findings of the study are presented as follows: 1. The emotional education program on the topic of optimism can help students to explain things in a positive way; 2. build up internalization of affective and psycho-motor skills in action; 3. enhance cognitive change and good emotional expression; 4. the real life materials for instruction and 5. multiple teaching strategies can increase the effectiveness of children’s experiential learning, reflection on action, and internalization of attitudes and practice.
