Cahiers des Amériques Latines (Dec 2005)
La Communauté andine des Nations : entre tentatives de relance et crises récurrentes
Born in Cartagena (Colombia) on the 26th of May, 1969, the Andean Community of Nations (CAN, former Andean Pact, currently made up of four countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) is an imperfect customs union. In spite of its reactivation in the 1990s, sub-regional Andean integration has since constantly been hampered by the very weaknesses which have plagued it for forty years: comparative weaknesses of countries seen as the driving force behind the integration process; lack of a strong domestic consensus in favour of integration; and the recurrent political instability of its members. After a long series of successive advances, retreats, and attempted kick-starting, the recent departure of Venezuela represents another setback for Andean integration.