Biotika (Oct 2017)
The effect of La Nina on fruits production of three citrus varieties in high land
In tropical climates, citrus flowering is controlled primarily by the availability of water (wet-dry). Therefore, the phenomenon of La Nina in 2016 which led to changes in rainfall will definitely affect flowering and fruits production in 2017. The aim of this research was to study the effect of La Nina in 2016 on the production of three varieties of citrus in 2017. This activity was conducted from January 2016 to February 2017 in the experimental field of Kliran, Balitjestro, located on 950 meters above sea level. Plants used in this study were three varieties of mandarin (Citrus reticulata) namely Keprok Batu 55, Keprok Madura, and Keprok Terigas planted in dry land Inceptisol in January 2014. The results showed that wet months that occurred during the year 2016 (La Nina ) inhibited flowering of Keprok Batu 55 and Keprok Madura varieties which causing the plants failed to produce fruits in 2017. On the other hand, Terigas variety could bloom several times a year and the number of fruit / tree was high. This phenomenon showed that Terigas is more resilient to La Nina than the other varieties observed.