Rāhburdhā-yi tusi̒ah-i rūstāyī (Nov 2015)
Investigating the knoledge and use of ICT services by rural womens inRural Offices(The Case of ShahrezaCounty)
This study aimed to investigate rural women's awareness and use of from rural ICT services offices. The statistical population consisted of 5018 over 15- year- old literate rural women in 16 villages with ICT offices in Shahreza County. Using Cochran formula, 190 rural women were selected as sample and stratified proportional sampling randomly questionnaire distributed by stratified sampling with proportional allocation in the villages. The results shows the highest level of awareness of the services are awareness of basic services, social services, educational services, information services and financial services respectively and the highest referring to the offices are to receive basic services, information services, social services, educational services and economic services respectively. The results of the Friedman test showed a significant difference between rural women's awareness of five groups of services at 1 percent confidence in a way that their highest awareness is of basic services and their least awareness is of financial services. Furthermore, there is significant difference between rural women's referring to ICT offices to receive five groups of services at 1 percent confidence in a way that their most referring to ICT offices is to receive basic services. Key words: Rural ICT offices, services offices, ICT, Rural women, Shahreza County