Obrazovanie i Nauka (May 2019)


  • E. V. Romanov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 4
pp. 60 – 91


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Introduction. The implementation of the strategic goal of Russia’s entry into one of the five largest economies in the world actualises the research aimed at identifying conditions for improving the quality of human capital, one of which is the creation of an integrated system of training and professional growth of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.The aim of the present research was to substantiate the statement that the strategy of reforming higher education in Russia leads to the loss of tacit knowledge in higher education as a basis for determining the quality of educational and scientific activities. This process has a negative impact on the formation of the system of training and professional growth of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel (both in content and procedural aspects).Methodology and research methods. The methodological framework of the research was based on a systematic approach and an inductive method. The following general scientific methods were employed: analytical review of statistical sources and literature on the discussed issues, generalisation and comparison. The method of comparative analysis was used to assess the dynamics of changes in funding standards of universities in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions and the Republic of Dagestan.Results and scientific novelty. The author substantiates the validity of the thesis on the loss of tacit knowledge in higher education, indirect confirmation of which is a significant reduction in the protection of PhD and doctoral theses with a significant decrease in patent activity in universities and activity to generate income from the results of intellectual activity. It is proved that the existing system of normative-per capita financing is the main “tool”, providing the loss of tacit knowledge: the level of a teacher’s workload is increased that it is impossible to carry out research related to the courses, which leads to a decrease in the quality of education. A formula for calculating the number of students, which ensures the performance of the average salary of the teaching staff at a certain number of disciplinesper teacher, is proposed. On the example of the direction “Management”, it is shown that even through annual allocation of 25 and 50 budgetary places the teacher of profile disciplines will read not less than 5 disciplines. In the absence of commercial recruitment comparable to the budget and additional sources of funding, the number of teaching staff will be reduced and the number of courses per teacher will increase. The proposals for preservation and reproduction of the personnel potential of state universities, involving the changes in the performance indicators of universities and the development of financial instruments that stimulate their achievement, are formulated.Practical significance. The materials and results of the research paper can be used by education authorities to develop the university strategy in terms of forecasting the volume of reductions in the number of teaching staff and the income that the university should receive to preserve its human resources.
