Journal of Law and Legal Reform (Jan 2023)
Implementation of the Shipping Law of Shrimp Regarding the Unloading of Containers in the Port of Tanjung Priok Jakarta
In 1989-2017 the flow of ship arrivals and departures at Tanjung Priok Port such as international and inter-island shipping experienced a significant increase from 76,050,510 GT to 126,837,638 GT. The increase was due to the improved performance of ship services at the container terminal which caused waiting time from 3 hours to 30 minutes and berthing time from 46 hours to 30 hours so that it became more efficient. In 1989-2020 the volume of export-import goods experienced a very high increase from 18,661,452 tons to 48,004,200 tons. This increase is due to an increase in the volume of world trade and Indonesia so that the prices of export-import commodities are increasing, such as coal, oil, rice, sugar, automotive. In 1989 the capacity of Tanjung Priok Port was above normal at 440,000 TEU. This causes loading and unloading of containers that have just arrived and those that are about to leave. in 1991-1997 container loading and unloading activities increased from 850,000 TEU to 2,100,000 TEU. At that time there was inefficiency in the speed of service sector which ultimately harmed the Port of Tanjung Priok in competition with the Port of Singapore. During 2010-2020 general cargo volume decreased while container volume increased significantly from 4,800,000 TEU to 8,500,000 TEU. The decrease was due to a decrease in the flow of domestic and foreign container ships, especially for export-import activities and the COVID-19 pandemic, while the increase was due to increased loading and unloading activities for intra-Asia captive cargo and export-import transhipment.