International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery (Oct 2020)

Pregnant Women’s Experiences of the Conditions Affecting Marital Well-Being in High-Risk Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study

  • Kobra Mirzakhani,
  • Talaat Khadivzadeh,
  • Farhad Faridhosseini,
  • Abbas Ebadi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 4
pp. 345 – 357


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Background: High-risk pregnancy is associated with many problems which can affect marital wellbeingas well as maternal and fetal health. Yet, there is limited information about the conditions whichaffect marital well-being in high-risk pregnancy. This study aimed to explore the pregnant women’sexperiences of the conditions affecting marital well-being in high-risk pregnancyMethods: This qualitative study was conducted from October 2018 to December 2019. Participantswere 24 women with high-risk pregnancy who were purposively selected from three public and twoprivate hospitals as well as a primary healthcare center in Mashhad, Iran. Face-to-face semi-structuredinterviews were conducted for data collection. Data were analyzed concurrently with data collectionthrough Graneheim and Lundman’s content analysis (2004). The MAXQDA program (v. 10) was usedfor data management.Results: Conditions affecting marital well-being in high-risk pregnancy were categorized into elevensubcategories and three main categories, namely emotional spousal intimacy in the midst of danger,husband’s commitment to manage the difficult conditions of pregnancy and sexual relationship duringhigh-risk pregnancy.Conclusion: Several conditions can affect marital well-being in high-risk pregnancy. Healthcareproviders can develop and use strategies for the effective management of these conditions, therebyimproving marital well-being among women with high-risk pregnancy.
