Infectio (Jul 2022)

Protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de lesiones primarias de las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS), Colombia, 2022

  • Santiago Estrada

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 3
pp. 250 – 261


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Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a global health problem. The STI Committee of the Colombian Infectious Diseases Association (ACIN) developed this document aimed primarily at medical professionals at different levels of healthcare throughout Colombia, with the objective of providing clear and concrete recommendations for a timely diagnosis and treatment of patients with STIs and their contacts. These protocols were designed based on the available scientific evidence and existing guidelines prepared by national and international scientific societies and government groups. The most common STIs were classified into the following sections: urethritis, genital ulcer, vaginal discharge with infectious etiology, proctitis, cervicitis, hepatitis B, and high-risk human papillomavirus. For each protocol, we present the definition, etiology, conditions for collecting clinical samples, diagnostic tests by etiological agent and level of care, and treatment by etiological agent.
