Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education (Sep 2017)
Breastmilk is a the milk produced by the breast of mother which created specially by God. It was produced according to the needs of infants who were born by a mother. Exclusive breastfeeding is the process of feeding a baby only from breastmilk without other supplementary food until baby is 6 month. One of the factors that aff ect the behavior of breastfeeding is the intention of a mother to breastfeed. The objective of this study is to analyze the factors which aff ect the mother’s intention to exclusively breastfeed in Kelurahan Magersari, Sidoarjo. This study is an observational analytic study with a quantitative approach. This study used cross-sectional study design. The sample of this study were 60 pregnant women who were society’s member of Kelurahan Magersari, Sidoarjo. Independent variables of this study are attitude (behavioral beliefs and evaluation of behavioral outcomes) and subjective norm (normative beliefs and motivation to comply). Study results were obtained from questionnaire. Analysis technique applied is logistic regression test in order to know which factors aff ect the mother’s intention. The dependent variable of this study is the mother’s intention to exclusively breastfeed. The research result are from questionnaire. The results obtained that the factors that infl uence on intention to provide breastmilk exclusively are behavioral beliefs (sig = 0.008, with the Exp (B) = 173,443) and motivation to comply (sig = 0.006, with the Exp (B) = 32,114), owned by the mother associated with exclusive breast. The conclusions there are two factors that aff ect the mother’s intention to provide breastmilk exclusively in Kelurahan Magersari, Sidoarjo there are behavioral beliefs and motivation to comply. Keywords: aff ect, intention, exclusively breastfeeding