Drones (Mar 2023)
A Robust Real-Time Ellipse Detection Method for Robot Applications
Over the years, many ellipse detection algorithms have been studied broadly, while the critical problem of accurately and effectively detecting ellipses in the real-world using robots remains a challenge. In this paper, we proposed a valuable real-time robot-oriented detector and simple tracking algorithm for ellipses. This method uses low-cost RGB cameras for conversion into HSV space to obtain reddish regions of interest (RROIs) contours, effective arc selection and grouping strategies, and the candidate ellipses selection procedures that eliminate invalid edges and clustering functions. Extensive experiments are conducted to adjust and verify the method’s parameters for achieving the best performance. The method combined with a simple tracking algorithm executes only approximately 30 ms on a video frame in most cases. The results show that the proposed method had high-quality performance (precision, recall, F-Measure scores) and the least execution time compared with the existing nine most advanced methods on three public actual application datasets. Our method could detect elliptical markers in real-time in practical applications, detect ellipses adaptively under natural light, well detect severely blocked and specular reflection ellipses when the elliptical object was far from or close to the robot. The average detection frequency can meet the real-time requirements (>10 Hz).