Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (Jan 2006)
Comparações das condições socioeconômicas e reprodutivas entre mães adolescentes e adultas jovens em três maternidades públicas de Maceió, Brasil Comparisons of socioeconomic and reproductive factors among adolescent and young adult mothers in three public maternities of Maceió, Brazil
OBJETIVOS: descrever e comparar fatores socio-econômicos, assistência pré-natal, exposições ao fumo e álcool e fatores reprodutivos entre mães adolescentes e adultas jovens em três maternidades públicas de Maceió, Alagoas, Nordeste do Brasil. MÉTODOS: foram entrevistadas 250 puérperas adolescentes (OBJECTIVES: describe and compare social and economic conditions, prenatal care, exposure to tobacco and alcohol and reproductive factors among adolescent and young adult mothers in three public maternity hospitals located in Maceió, Alagoas, Northeast Brazil. METHODS: 250 puerperal adolescents (< 20 years old) and 250 puerperal young adult mothers (between 20 and 30 years old) were interviewed. A cross sectional study performed from July to October 1996 was performed. The Chi-Square test was used to test proportion homogeneity hypothesis. RESULTS: among adolescents a significantly higher percentage (p < 0,05) of primiparity, low family income, deficient schooling and insufficient prenatal care as compared to young adults was determined. CONCLUSIONS: adolescent mothers in the public maternity hospitals studied have worse social, economic and reproductive conditions when compared to young adult mothers; therefore they deserve more attention and perinatal care focus.