Diagnostics (Oct 2023)
Relationship between Eccentricity and Volume Determined by Spectral Algorithms Applied to Spatially Registered Bi-Parametric MRI and Prostate Tumor Aggressiveness: A Pilot Study
(1) Background: Non-invasive prostate cancer assessments using multi-parametric MRI are essential to the reliable detection of lesions and proper management of patients. While current guidelines call for the administration of Gadolinium-containing intravenous contrast injections, eliminating such injections would simplify scanning and reduce patient risk and costs. However, augmented image analysis is necessary to extract important diagnostic information from MRIs. Purpose: This study aims to extend previous work on the signal to clutter ratio and test whether prostate tumor eccentricity and volume are indicators of tumor aggressiveness using bi-parametric (BP)-MRI. (2) Methods: This study retrospectively processed 42 consecutive prostate cancer patients from the PI-CAI data collection. BP-MRIs (apparent diffusion coefficient, high b-value, and T2 images) were resized, translated, cropped, and stitched to form spatially registered BP-MRIs. The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) grade was used to judge cases of prostate cancer as either clinically significant prostate cancer (CsPCa) (ISUP ≥ 2) or clinically insignificant prostate cancer (CiPCa) (ISUP p-values. Area under the curve (AUC) and receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve scores were used to assess the logistic fitting to CsPCa/CiPCa. (3) Results: Modest correlation coefficients (R) (>0.35) and AUC scores (0.70) for the linear and/or logistic fits from the processed prostate tumor eccentricity and volume computations for the spatially registered BP-MRIs exceeded fits using the parameters of prostate serum antigen, prostate volume, and patient age (R~0.17). (4) Conclusions: This is the first study that applied spectral approaches to BP-MRIs to generate tumor eccentricity and volume metrics to assess tumor aggressiveness. This study found significant values of R and AUC (albeit below those from multi-parametric MRI) to fit and relate the metrics to the ISUP grade and CsPCA/CiPCA, respectively.