Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício (Jan 2023)

Physical activity, sleep quality and mental health in schoolchildren: systematic review

  • Débora Ferreira Moraes Guimarães,
  • Antonio Coppi Navarro

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 107
pp. 1 – 13


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Objective: The objective was to review the scientific literature about the effects of physical activity, sleep and mental health on schoolchildren. Materials and methods: The study is a systematic review of the literature on scientific articles in scientific journals allocated in the databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online - Sicelo.Org; Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences - Lilacs; Dialnet; Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico - Redib; Web of Science; Medline / Pubmed. It was carried out by searching for articles in the databases cited with the following terms: physical activity + sleep + schoolchildren, physical activity + mental health + schoolchildren, sleep + mental health + schoolchildren. With inclusion and exclusion criteria previously determined. Results: A total of 144 published works were found related to the terms used, after reading the articles, 123 articles were introduced in the exclusion criteria and 21 in the inclusion criteria. Discussion: In the articles found in the selected databases, a total of 13.150 school subjects were studied, with a minimum age of 6 years and a maximum age of 19 years, several procedures being used as research instruments. Conclusion: It is concluded that several factors can interfere in the quantity and quality of sleep, in the number of hours of physical activity and in the mental health of the students, but that more studies are needed to see how school stress is related to both the low quality of sleep as well as the amount of physical activity of the schoolchildren.
